Поиск по слову när дал один результат
SV шведский RU русский
när когда (Adv)
när в то время как
när (adv conj pronoun n) [as soon as] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [as soon as] (adv conj pronoun n)
när (adv conj pronoun n) [at a time in the past] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [at a time in the past] (adv conj pronoun n)
när (adv conj pronoun n) [at such time as] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [at such time as] (adv conj pronoun n)
SV шведский RU русский
när (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time] (adv conj pronoun n)
när (adv conj pronoun n) [direct question] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [direct question] (adv conj pronoun n)
när (adv conj pronoun n) [what time; which time] когда́ (adv conj pronoun n) [what time; which time] (adv conj pronoun n)
när (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time] в то вре́мя как (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time] (adv conj pronoun n)