Поиск по слову troef дал один результат
NL голландский RU русский
troef (n v) [playing card of that suit] {m} козы́рна́я ка́рта (n v) [playing card of that suit] (n)
troef (n v) [something that gives one an advantage] {m} козы́рна́я ка́рта (n v) [something that gives one an advantage] (n)
troef (n v) [resource or an argument, used to a achieve a purpose] {m} ка́рта (n v) [resource or an argument, used to a achieve a purpose] (n)
troef (n v) [playing card of that suit] {m} ко́зырь (n v) [playing card of that suit] (n v)
troef (n v) [resource or an argument, used to a achieve a purpose] {m} ко́зырь (n v) [resource or an argument, used to a achieve a purpose] (n v)
NL голландский RU русский
troef (n v) [something that gives one an advantage] {m} ко́зырь (n v) [something that gives one an advantage] (n v)
troef (n v) [suit that outranks all others] {m} ко́зырь (n v) [suit that outranks all others] (n v)