Поиск по слову testare дал один результат
IT итальянский RU русский
testare (v) [to test something] про́бовать (v) [to test something] (n v)
testare (v) [to test something] попро́бовать (v) [to test something] (n v)
testare (n v) [to challenge] испы́тывать (n v) [to challenge] (n v)
testare (n v) [to challenge] испыта́ть (n v) [to challenge] (n v)
testare (n v) [to challenge] тести́ровать (n v) [to challenge] (n v)
IT итальянский RU русский
testare (n v) [to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions] тести́ровать (n v) [to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions] (n v)
testare (n v) [to challenge] протести́ровать (n v) [to challenge] (n v)
testare (n v) [to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions] протести́ровать (n v) [to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions] (n v)
testare (v) [to test something] эксперименти́ровать (v) [to test something] (v)

Переводы с языка «итальянский» на язык «русский»

IT Синонимы слова testare RU Переводы
verificare [esaminare] asegurarse
accertare [esaminare] averiguar
ispezionare [esaminare] inspeccionar
censurare [esaminare] m censurar
controllare [esaminare] controlar
saggiare [sperimentare] encuestar
collaudare [sperimentare] experimentar
misurare [sperimentare] probar
analizzare [sperimentare] encuestar
scandagliare [sperimentare] sondar
provare [sperimentare] probar
esaminare [provare] echar una ojeada (v)