Поиск по слову distinto дал один результат
IT итальянский RU русский
distinto (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] выдаю́щийся (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] (adj)
distinto (adj) [Separate; distinct; individual] отде́льный (adj) [Separate; distinct; individual] (adj v n)
distinto (adj) [different from one another] отде́льный (adj) [different from one another] (adj v n)
distinto (adj) [different from one another] разли́чный (adj) [different from one another] (determiner adv n)
distinto (adj) [different from one another] отли́чный (adj) [different from one another] (adj)
IT итальянский RU русский
distinto (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] ви́дный (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] (adj)
distinto (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] имени́тый (adj) [celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious] (adj)
distinto (adj) [mathematics: specified, noted] за́данный (adj) [mathematics: specified, noted] (adj)

Переводы с языка «итальянский» на язык «русский»

IT Синонимы слова distinto RU Переводы
chiaro [preciso] чёткий (adj)
eterogeneo [diverso] разнородный (adj n)
vario [diverso] ра́зный (determiner adj)
altro [diverso] ина́че (adj adv conj)
differente [diverso] ино́й (adj n)
meritevole [corretto] сто́ить (adj n v)
degno [corretto] досто́йный (adj n)
serio [corretto] серьёзный (adj)
severo [corretto] суро́вый (adj)
fiero [corretto] счастли́вый (adj)
preciso [chiaro] то́чный (adj)
fine [signorile] f цель (f)
elegante [signorile] элега́нтный (v adj n)
squisito [signorile] изя́щный (n adj v)
notevole [ragguardevole] знамени́тый (adj)
diverso [differente] отли́чный (adj)
accurato [fine] стара́тельный (adj)
leggiadro [fine] элега́нтный (v adj n)
bello [fine] элега́нтный (v adj n)
delicato [aggraziato] то́нкий (adj)