Поиск по слову concisamente дал один результат
IT итальянский RU русский
concisamente (adv) [in a brief manner] ко́ротко (adv) [in a brief manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] кра́тко (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a brief manner] кра́тко (adv) [in a brief manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a concise manner] кра́тко (adv) [in a concise manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a brief manner] вкра́тце (adv) [in a brief manner] (adv)
IT итальянский RU русский
concisamente (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] сжа́то (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a concise manner] сжа́то (adv) [in a concise manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] лакони́чно (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a concise manner] лакони́чно (adv) [in a concise manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] ёмко (adv) [In a brief, concise, or to the point manner] (adv)
concisamente (adv) [in a concise manner] ёмко (adv) [in a concise manner] (adv)

Переводы с языка «итальянский» на язык «русский»

IT Синонимы слова concisamente RU Переводы
rapidamente [sommariamente] rápido
brevemente [sommariamente] para resumir
approssimativamente [per sommi capi] mais ou menos
a grandi linee [per sommi capi] em geral
frettolosamente [per sommi capi] apressadamente
in generale [per sommi capi] em geral