Поиск по слову hasít дал один результат
HU венгерский RU русский
hasít (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj) полосова́ть (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj)
hasít (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj) руби́ть (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) рассека́ть (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj)
hasít (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj) рассека́ть (n v conj) [to cut across something with a knife, sword, etc] (n v conj)
hasít (adj n v) [divide along a more or less straight line] (n v conj) расщепля́ть (adj n v) [divide along a more or less straight line] (adj n v)
HU венгерский RU русский
hasít (adj n v) [divide along a more or less straight line] (n v conj) расщепи́ть (adj n v) [divide along a more or less straight line] (adj n v)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) разреза́ть (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (v)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) разре́зать (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (v)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) раска́лывать (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (v n)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) расколо́ть (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (v n)
hasít (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (n v conj) рассе́чь (v n) [''transitive'' to split or sever] (v n)