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EN RU Переводы слова the

the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] тем (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] (konj)
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] чем (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']

EN RU Переводы слова hero

hero (informal) герой (m)
hero (informal) героиня (f)

EN RU Переводы слова with

with с
with (prep) [against] с (prep) [against]

EN RU Переводы слова a

a (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] а (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] (part)
a (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] эй (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a]

EN RU Переводы слова thousand