Поиск по слову landbou дал один результат
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landbou земледелие (nt)
landbou сельское хозяйство {n} (sél’skoje xozjájstvo)
landbou агрокультура {f} (agrokul'túra)
landbou (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] се́льское хозя́йство (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] (n)
landbou (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] земле́делие (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] (n)
AF африкаанс RU русский
landbou (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] агрокульту́ра (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] (n)
landbou (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] фе́рмерство (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] (n)
landbou (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] агрикульту́ра (n) [the art or science of cultivating the ground] (n)