Поиск по слову quá дал один результат
VI вьетнамский RU русский
quá чересчур (adv)
quá слишком
quá (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] соверше́нно (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] (adv int)
quá (adj adv) [to a high degree] о́чень (adj adv) [to a high degree] (conj adv adj int n)
quá (adj adv) [to a high degree] весьма́ (adj adv) [to a high degree] (adv)
quá (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] по́лностью (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] (adv)
quá (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] сли́шком (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] (adv)
quá (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] чересчу́р (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] (adv)
quá (adj adv) [to a high degree] изря́дно (adj adv) [to a high degree] (adj adv)
quá (adj adv) [to a high degree] дю́же (adj adv) [to a high degree] (adj adv)
quá (adj adv) [to a high degree] зело́ (adj adv) [to a high degree] (adj adv)
quá (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] целико́м (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] (adj adv n)