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phải должно {n} (dolžnó)
phải (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] правди́вый (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
phải (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] и́стинный (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
phải (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] ве́рный (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv int n v)
phải (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] ве́рный (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
phải (adj adv int n v) [of direction] пра́вый (adj adv int n v) [of direction] (adj adv int n v)
phải (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] пра́вый (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
phải (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] как ра́з (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
phải (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] пра́вильный (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj)
phải должны {n} (dolžný)
phải верный (adj)
phải должна {f} (dolžná)
phải должен
phải (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] да (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance]
phải правдивый
phải (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] так (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] (adv)
phải истинный (adj)
phải правый (adj)
phải правильный (adj)