Поиск по слову không có chi дал один результат
VI вьетнамский RU русский
không có chi (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] пожа́луйста (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] (int n)
không có chi (phrase) [reply to thanks] пожа́луйста (phrase) [reply to thanks] (int n)
không có chi (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] не́ за что (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] (phrase)
không có chi (phrase) [reply to thanks] не́ за что (phrase) [reply to thanks] (phrase)
không có chi (phrase) [reply to thanks] на здоро́вье (phrase) [reply to thanks] (phrase)
không có chi (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] не сто́ит благода́рности (phrase) [it is too trivial to warrant thanks] (phrase)

VI RU Переводы слова không

không нет
không ничто (ничего, ничему,ничто, ничем,ни о чём)
không ничего (adv)
không не (part)
không (n) [not to like something] не (n) [not to like something] (part)
không (n) [not to like something] невзлюби́ть (n) [not to like something] (n)

VI RU Переводы слова

произойти (vi)
иметь (vt)
есть (vi)
(v) [third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be] есть (v) [third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be] (vi)
существовать (vi)
(adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] так (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] (adv)
(adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] да (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance]
быть (sg: есть)

VI RU Переводы слова chi

chị здорово (adv)
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] твой (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] (pron poss)
chị (pronoun) [possessive pronoun (to be sorted into the preceding tables)] твой (pronoun) [possessive pronoun (to be sorted into the preceding tables)] (pron poss)
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] ваш (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] (pron poss)
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] ваш (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] (pron poss)
chị (pronoun) [possessive pronoun (to be sorted into the preceding tables)] ваш (pronoun) [possessive pronoun (to be sorted into the preceding tables)] (pron poss)
chị привет (m)
chị девушка (f)
chị сестра (f)
chị добрый день