Поиск по слову Hướng Đông дал 3 результатов
| hướng (n) [indication of the point toward which an object is moving] | | направле́ние (n) [indication of the point toward which an object is moving] | |
| hướng (n adj adv v) [to be in a specific direction] | | направля́ться (n adj adv v) [to be in a specific direction] | |
| hướng (n adj adv v) [to be in a specific direction] | | напра́виться (n adj adv v) [to be in a specific direction] | |
| đông (n adj adv) [compass point] | | ост (n adj adv) {m} [compass point] | |
| đông (adj) [containing too many of something] | | перепо́лненный (adj) [containing too many of something] | |
| đông (n v) [fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures] | | зима́ (n v) [fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures] | |
| đông (n adj adv) [compass point] | | восто́к (n adj adv) [compass point] | |
| đông (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | | заморо́женный (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | |
| đông (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | | моро́женый (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | |
| đông (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | | замёрзший (adj) [in the state of that which freezes] | |