Поиск по слову chú lùn дал 3 результатов
VI вьетнамский RU русский
chú lùn (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n adj v) ка́рлик (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n v)
chú lùn (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n adj v) ка́рлица (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n adj v)
chú lùn (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n adj v) гном (n adj v) [being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit] (n adj v)

VI RU Переводы слова chú

chú (italbrac'father’s younger brother) дядя (m)
chú (n int) [brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent] (italbrac'father’s younger brother) дя́дя (n int) [brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent] (n int)
chú (n int) [brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent] (italbrac'father’s younger brother) дя́дька (n int) [brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent] (n int)