Поиск по слову cụ ông дал 4 результатов
VI вьетнамский RU русский
cụ ông прадед (m)
cụ ông прадедушка {m} (pradéduška)
cụ ông (n) [father of grandparent] пра́дед (n) [father of grandparent] (n)
cụ ông (n) [father of grandparent] праде́душка (n) [father of grandparent] (n)

VI RU Переводы слова ông

ông (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] дед (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] (m)
ông господин (m)
ông г-н (gospodín)
ông (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"] большо́е спаси́бо! (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"] (phrase)
ông (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"] благодарю́! (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"] (phrase)
ông (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] де́душка (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] (n v)
ông (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] деду́ля (n v) [grandfather (from either side)] (n v)