Поиск по слову дал один результат
VI вьетнамский RU русский
(adv n) [informal "yes"] так (adv n) [informal "yes"] (adv)
(adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] так (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] (adv)
(adv int) [yes] так (adv int) [yes] (adv)
(adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] да (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance]
(adv n) [informal "yes"] ну (adv n) [informal "yes"]
(adv int) [yes] ну (adv int) [yes]
(int) [expression signifying a pause or hesitation] э́то (int) [expression signifying a pause or hesitation] (v)
(adv n) [informal "yes"] угу́ (adv n) [informal "yes"] (int)
(adv int) [yes] угу́ (adv int) [yes] (int)
(adv n) [informal "yes"] ага́ (adv n) [informal "yes"] (adv int)
(adv int) [yes] ага́ (adv int) [yes] (adv int)
(int) [expression signifying a pause or hesitation] как е́го (int) [expression signifying a pause or hesitation] (int)