| de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] | | против (adj adv n) [towards the wind] | |
| de (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | | от (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | |
| de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] | | от (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] | |
| de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] | | от (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] | |
| de (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | | из (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | |
| de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] | | из (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] | |
| de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] | | из (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] | |
| de (adj n) [at the highest level of development] | | по (adj n) [at the highest level of development] | |
| de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] | | где (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] | |
| de (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | | с (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] | |