Поиск по слову scusa дал один результат
IT итальянский RU русский
scusa (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] {f} со́рри (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] (adj int n)
scusa (phrase n) [request to pass] {f} извини́те (phrase n) [request to pass] (phrase n)
scusa (phrase n) [request for attention] {f} извини́те (phrase n) [request for attention] (phrase n)
scusa (phrase n) [request for attention] {f} прости́те (phrase n) [request for attention] (phrase n)
scusa (phrase n) [request to repeat] {f} что_ (phrase n) [request to repeat] (phrase n)
IT итальянский RU русский
scusa (phrase n) [request to repeat] {f} что вы сказа́ли_ (phrase n) [request to repeat] (phrase n)
scusa (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] {f} извине́ние (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] (v n)
scusa (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] {f} отгово́рка (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] (n)
scusa (n) [an excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty] {f} отгово́рка (n) [an excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty] (n)
scusa (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] {f} оправда́ние (v n) [explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement] (n)
scusa (phrase n) [request to repeat] {f} прошу́ проще́ния (phrase n) [request to repeat] (adj int n)
scusa (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved] {f} огорчённый (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved] (adj)
scusa (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] {f} со́рри (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] (adj int n)
scusa (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] {f} пардо́н (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] (adj int n)
scusa (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] {f} пардо́н (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] (adj int n)
scusa (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] {f} извиня́юсь (phrase n) [sorry, as apology] (adj int n)
scusa (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] {f} извиня́юсь (adj int n) [expression of regret or sorrow] (adj int n)
scusa (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved] {f} сожале́ющий (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved] (adj int n)
scusa (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved] {f} жаль (adj int n) [regretful for an action or grieved]
scusa {f} простить (vt)
scusa {f} извиниться (izvinjájus’)

Переводы с языка «итальянский» на язык «русский»

IT Синонимы слова scusa RU Переводы
riparazione [risarcimento] f repair
perdono [risarcimento] m forgive
ammenda [risarcimento] f fine
giustificazione [discolpa] f justification
difesa [discolpa] f defense
pretesto [cavillo] m put-off
occasione [cavillo] f opportunity
scappatoia [cavillo] f chink
appiglio [cavillo] m hold
motivo [occasione] m motive
intenzione [occasione] f attitude
proposito [occasione] m intention
argomento [occasione] m topic
sofisma [sottigliezza] m false reasoning
discolpa [discarico] f exculpation (formal)
attenuante [spiegazione] extenuating circumstance (n)
motivazione [spiegazione] f motivation
prova [spiegazione] f testing
orpello [falsa apparenza] m tinsel
rimedio [rabberciatura] m remedy