Поиск по слову सी आइ ए дал 2 результатов
HI хинди RU русский
सी आइ ए (init) [Central Intelligence Agency] (init) ЦРУ (init) [Central Intelligence Agency] (init)
सी आइ ए (init) [Central Intelligence Agency] (init) Центра́льное разве́дывательное управле́ние (init) [Central Intelligence Agency] (init)

HI RU Переводы слова सी

सी (n) [name of the letter C, c] (n) си (n) [name of the letter C, c] (n)
सी (n) [name of the letter C, c] (n) цэ (n) [name of the letter C, c] (n)

HI RU Переводы слова

(n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] (n article prep pronoun int abbr) а (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] (part)
(n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a] (n article prep pronoun int abbr) эй (n article prep pronoun int abbr) [name of the letter A, a]