Поиск по слову au bord de дал 3 результатов
FR французский RU русский
au bord de (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to] у (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to]
au bord de (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to] ря́дом (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to] (prep adv adj)
au bord de (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to] о́коло (prep adv adj n) [near, or next to] (prep)

FR RU Переводы слова au

au (particle prep adv) [used to indicated exponentiation] в (particle prep adv) [used to indicated exponentiation]

FR RU Переводы слова bord

bord (n v) [any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge] {m} край (n v) [any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge] (m)
bord (n v) [boundary line of a surface] {m} край (n v) [boundary line of a surface] (m)
bord (n) [edge] {m} край (n) [edge] (m)
bord (n v) [the outer edge of something] {m} край (n v) [the outer edge of something] (m)
bord {m} берег (m)
bord (n v) [land adjoining a large body of water] {m} яр (n v) [land adjoining a large body of water]
bord (n v) [any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge] {m} грань (n v) [any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge]
bord (n v) [boundary line of a surface] {m} грань (n v) [boundary line of a surface]
bord (n) [edge] {m} грань (n) [edge]
bord (n v) [the outer edge of something] {m} грани́ца (n v) [the outer edge of something] (n)

FR RU Переводы слова de

de (prep adv adj) [concerning] о (prep adv adj) [concerning] (prap vor Vokalen:об)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] от (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] (prдp + gen)
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] от (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] (prдp + gen)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] из (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] (prap +gen)
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] из (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] (prap +gen)
de (prep adv adj) [concerning] про (prep adv adj) [concerning] (prap +akk)
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] с (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at]
de (prep adv adj) [concerning] об (prep adv adj) [concerning] (prep adv adj)
de (adj) [akin to the characteristics or habits of a wolf] во́лчий (adj) [akin to the characteristics or habits of a wolf] (adj)
de (adj n v) [made of concrete] бето́нный (adj n v) [made of concrete] (adj n v)

Переводы с языка «французский» на язык «русский»

FR Синонимы слова au bord de RU Переводы
à côté de [auprès de] вдоль (prap+gen)
autour de [auprès de] во́круг (prep adv adj)
proche de [auprès de] приме́рно (prep adv adj)
contre [auprès de] обра́тный (v n)