Поиск по слову Engagement дал один результат
DE немецкий RU русский
Engagement {n} активность (f)
Engagement (n) [being bound emotionally/intellectually to course of action or to others] {n} обяза́тельство (n) [being bound emotionally/intellectually to course of action or to others] (n)
Engagement (n) [state of being pledged or engaged] {n} обяза́тельство (n) [state of being pledged or engaged] (n)
Engagement (n) [being bound emotionally/intellectually to course of action or to others] {n} приве́рженность (n) [being bound emotionally/intellectually to course of action or to others] (n)
Engagement (n) [state of being pledged or engaged] {n} приве́рженность (n) [state of being pledged or engaged] (n)
DE немецкий RU русский
Engagement (n) [act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust] {n} вруче́ние (n) [act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust] (n)
Engagement (n) [perpetration, in negative manner, as in crime or mistake] {n} соверше́ние (n) [perpetration, in negative manner, as in crime or mistake] (n)

Переводы с языка «немецкий» на язык «русский»

DE Синонимы слова engagement RU Переводы
Position [Anstellung] f importance
Funktion [Anstellung] f function
Aufnahme [Anstellung] f mounting device
Stellung [Anstellung] f importance
Dienst [Anstellung] m service
Annahme [Anstellung] f hypothesis
Einstellung [Anstellung] f hiring
Beruf [Anstellung] m job
Beschäftigung [Anstellung] f employment
Gewerbe [Anstellung] n business
Berufung [Anstellung] f mission
Pflicht [Anstellung] f duty
Handwerk [Anstellung] n skilled crafts
Ernennung [Anstellung] f nomination
Posten [Anstellung] m sentry
Standpunkt [Anstellung] m position
Verpflichtung [Anstellung] f commitment
Arbeitsplatz [Anstellung] m workplace
Job [Anstellung] m work
Anstellung [Anstellung] f nomination